Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 6 Little bit of Cork

Elder Calley & Elder Watson
Hey Guys,

This week seems to have flown by. We have spent a lot of time finding, teaching, and travelling.

Last Thursday we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders in Cork because I'm green and were there all day Thursday. It was cool to be with the Zone Leaders for a day and see how they teach and find people. Cork is much bigger than Waterford. We were busy the whole day so I did not have much time to take pictures but I might have a few to send that I took from the bus.
a rainy day in Cork, Ireland (on the bus)
The following day Elder Watson and I were really excited to go and find. After the first hour of GQing we had seven appointments set up over the next few days. It was amazing to see how many appointments we were able to set up in such short of a time. One thing I have really begun to realize is that when we are doing the Lord's work we can have His help and guidance. While some of the appointments we set up fell through and others rescheduled we did have an opportunity to teach one person, whose name is Evans, so far and were able to teach him about the Restoration and give him a Book of Mormon. We have more appointments tomorrow and Wednesday.

So how are things going back home? It was weird to hear that you have been having such warm weather. I can't believe it will be 62 tomorrow and 24 on Saturday. Over here it sometimes gets to 50 degrees as a high and it rains almost every day, anywhere from five minutes to the whole day.

As far as celebrations for holidays go the only one has been Valentine's day. We went finding Valentine's day in the evening and the only people that were out were couples.

We tend to eat a lot of pasta and curry. I have learned to love curry it is really good. Subway is the most popular place to eat out here. Normally, I have cereal or toast for breakfast. I still eat like I do back home. One thing I have noticed on my mission is that I am actually a slow eater. Our district leader is from Tonga so when we have the other companionship over for dinner there are no left overs. 

So last P-day we went to the medieval museum here in Waterford. It was neat. It is built on top of the ruins of a castle.
Medieval Museum in Waterford

Medieval Museum small  rameumptom
I have felt like I have GQ-ed so much over these past three weeks. I have no problem talking to strangers on the street. No one teases me for my Minnesota accent but I do say oofta sometimes so Elder Watson and I sometimes have a good laugh about that.
So there is a bench along the Quay (along the river) that has one side of it called the "Liars Corner" and the other side the "Seat of Wisdom". If you sit on one side you are suppose to have wisdom and the other means your the liar. I guess it is an Irish thing. Anyway this is something from Waterford that was unique I guess.

I'm doing great over here. I'm healthy and am really enjoying being out talking with others about the gospel. I hope you have a good week.


Elder Calley

Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 5: One Month In Cheers to Whitewashing

Hey everyone!

Things are going good out here!

This week has been kind of slow. Elder Watson and I got sent to an area where we have to whitewash. What whitewashing means is that we basically start from scratch. We began with no one to teach or any investigators. So we had to do a lot of GQing this week. The one great thing about whitewashing is that I can see how everything from finding to teaching to inviting to hopefully baptizing works. We are slowly building up a teaching pool. Finding in Ireland is not easy but on the bright side they are not rude about it.

So let me back track a little bit. I guess I forgot to tell you guys how I got to Waterford last week. So we left the mission home on the Feb. 3 from Edinburgh to Glasgow by bus. We then took another bus to Cairnryan about an hour south of Glasgow. We then took a ferry from there to Belfast. From Belfast to Dublin we took a bus. We stayed the night in Dublin and the following morning we took a bus from Dublin to Waterford. Sadly, I did not take any pictures but I did do a lot of sleeping on the ferry and buses.

Another thing I have discovered this week is just how big of an area we cover. We cover from Kilkenny to Tipperary to Wexford. So we often have to take the bus or get a lift from members to either do service for members or teach.

This week we had dinner at the Gibbons. Brother Gibbons is in the Branch Presidency. They fed us burgers. The food here in Ireland is not very different from back in Minnesota. We also went to go do service for an elderly sister this week in Dungarvan. We did some gardening and cleaned up some of her yard. That was the first time that I was able to do gardening in February. Another thing this week is I have learned how to cook (cook simple things like spaghetti, nothing like your cooking Mom.)

As far as packages go, I think we get them once a month if not for sure once a transfer. They are sent to Cork and I think if we go to Cork or if the Zone leaders who live in Cork go somewhere they might take some packages with them. If it will fit into a mail slot then it can be sent to the flat. We have a mail slot and mail just gets put in there. So if it is small enough to be put in a mail slot it should be fine.

So last week I told you about how I had to play the piano in church. Well I found out a little more about why I am now the defacto pianist. So I guess the previous ward pianist left on a mission this past week (I do not really know where but it is probably somewhere in the States). She was the only one who could really play the piano in the branch. When I learned this I was kind of surprised. It was amazing to see that I just happened to arrive the week that she was leaving. It is great to see that Heavenly Father watches out for His children and that He does answer prayers. The hymns they have me play are not terribly difficult and it has been a humbling experience for me to play each week and be able to help the branch. The branch here is great. One thing that is really getting pushed for is an increase in missionary work in the branch. The Limerick District is the only district in the Scotland/Ireland Mission so there has been a push from mission as well as district leaders to help this district become a stake.

One thing that I have not really mentioned is the differences in culture here. One of the biggest things I noticed in the Republic is that every road sign has English as well as Gaelic. Everyone here speaks English but it was interesting to see that Gaelic is still used in public here.

Another thing I have noticed is how many pubs there are here in Waterford alone. It kind of reminds me of that time we volunteered for Ragnar in Wisconsin and we kept seeing bar after bar after bar.

Everything in Ireland seems to be on a smaller level. The roads, sidewalks, cars, and shops are all smaller. Another thing I have found is that there are no nationwide stores in Ireland. The only store that I have seen back home that they have here is Aldi. One thing that is very common to say over here is 'cheers', which basically means thank you, you are welcome, best of luck, all into one word.

It has been an exciting second week in the mission field. I have learned a lot and am looking forward to this week. It has been amazing to be able to share with others the joy that comes from the gospel and how the gospel blesses our families. I am excited to continue to hear how wrestling finishes up for you Tyler. It sounds like you are doing really well. I hope you do well in Team Sections. Hope everything is going well back home. Hope you all stay warm and not just Dad. It's going good over here in Waterford. I will talk to you all next week.


Elder Calley

They have a Viking cut out not too far from our flat so I had my picture taken last P-day.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 4 Waterford Ireland

It was great to get a nice long letter  and some pictures from Kyle this Week!

Hey guys! It's been a while since I have gotten the chance to write.

Downham England
My last week in the MTC went well. All the missionaries there were taken to a place called Downham in England. It was one of the places that the early missionaries in England proselyted in and converted many.

My last week in the MTC went by quick. Last Tuesday we were driven up to the mission home in Edinburgh. It was great to meet President Donaldson. He is an amazing mission president. The reason why I was not able to email you last week was because P-days in the MTC were on Tuesdays and are on Mondays in the mission. So I did not have an opportunity to write you last week because we were travelling on Tuesday. Speaking of last Tuesday, everyone from the MTC got to hike Pratt's Hill. It was great to be able to look over the whole of Edinburgh.

On top of Pratt Hill (Arthur's Seat)
My companion by the way is Elder Watson, he is from Mesa, Arizona and is about 20 months into his mission. He is a great trainer and companion. We spent last Wednesday and Thursday in Edinburgh because there was a zone conference on Thursday. Elder Johnson of the Area Seventy was there and gave a good talk. So Wednesday we went GQ-ing which is what we call street contacting. Edinburgh is a great place to talk to people.

The rest of this week has really been atypical because everyone has been moving around this week. You guys must have got the email from President Donaldson about how I'm serving in Waterford. I am glad you guys got at least some sort of email about me last week. I had no idea that Waterford is one of the oldest cities in Ireland. The buildings around where we are, are not that old, some of them are pretty new. By the way my new address is 13 Neptune House, Canada Square, Waterford, Republic of Ireland. You might be able to send letters there but packages should be sent to the collection place for the Limerick Zone on the PDF that you have about mailing. Our flat is about two or three blocks away from Waterford Crystal. The weather here feels like it is March back home, maybe April on the warm days. Today it has been pouring down. My coat seems to be holding up great though. The wind here can also be pretty bad.

We have not had a lot of opportunities to teach people yet since we have only been here a few days. However, Elder Fehoko who is the district leader, and I had an opportunity to teach Niko, a new investigator who is from Australia. I invited him to be baptized which he was on the fence about. We are meeting with him later this week and hope to set up a baptismal date for him then.

Kyle in front of Edinburgh Castle
Me and Elder Watson are new to the area so we will be doing a lot of GQ-ing and finding people to teach. I have attached a few pictures of Downham and Edinburgh castle. I hope that everything  is going well back home.

By the way the branch here is awesome. There are about 25 to maybe 30 members here, we do meet in an office building. I had to play piano yesterday. I think I will be the pianist for as long as I am here. The branch is amazing here and there seems to be potential in finding and teaching here. Our area here covers at least three different cities. I think they are Wexford, Waterford, and Kilkenny. Tomorrow we have to head over to Limerick for zone-wide interviews with President Donaldson.

I am really looking forward to finding people to teach this week. It is a great area to have as a first area. I will make sure to email you guys next week. Hopefully last week was the only one I have to miss.

Love you guys,

Elder Calley

For letters only (good till March 6, week before transfers)

Elder Kyle Calley
13 Neptune House
Canada Square
 Republic of Ireland

Just a little info on mailing packages to Kyle
Note: mark all packages “Gift” on the outside of box
(Don’t declare a value of $30.00 or more (as the missionary will have to pay an additional custom duty. Current “Value Added Tax” is 20% of the declared value. They will have to pay this plus a “handling fee” before they receive the package. Best time to mail packages is within the first 2-3 weeks of the six week cycle.)

Bill Quirke
Elder Kyle Calley
12 Glenavon Crescent
Douglas County CORK
Republic of Ireland

Saturday, February 4, 2017

No letter from Kyle this week but we did get a letter from Kyle’s Mission President.

Sister Donaldson, Elder Calley & President Donaldson
Dear Brother & Sister Calley,

On 31 January 2017, we welcomed Elder Calley to the Scotland/Ireland Mission.  He arrived safely from the Missionary Training Center and we are excited to have him in our mission.  One of our very best missionaries, Elder Watson, has been assigned to be his trainer.  Together they will serve in the Limerick Zone, Waterford Branch in The Republic of Ireland.

I will have the opportunity to meet with Elder Calley every six weeks.  In addition, your missionary will be writing me a weekly letter of his activities as well as a personal note.   He will also meet regularly with his district and zone leaders where he will be trained with other missionaries. 

We would encourage you to write him weekly letters of encouragement. Letters from home provide a powerful sustaining effect on the confidence and morale of our missionaries. We testify of the truthfulness of this work and are grateful to be a part of it.


George R Donaldson

George R Donaldson, President

Elder Calley & Elder Watson

a little extra mission info that we got with the letter
Stirling, Scotland, 1898, David O. McKay: "I was homesick and a little discouraged on this day. As we were coming back into town, I saw an unfinished dwelling, over the front door of which was a stone on which there was a carving. That was most unusual, so I said to Elder Johnston, ‘I’m going to see what that is.’ I was half way up the gravelled walk when there came to my eyesight a strik-ing motto as follows, carved in stone: " ‘Whate’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part.’ I said to myself, or the Spirit within me, you are here as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. That afternoon, I accepted the message given to me on that stone, and from that moment we tried to do our part as missionaries in Scotland"