Dec. 17, 2018
Hey guys!
So this week was good. We're still teaching Mitch and found a new guy named Wade from South Africa. They're both willing to read the Book of Mormon and be baptised if they come to find it's true. Wade was going to come to church this week but backed out last second. We're seeing both of them on Wednesday again.
Yeah so there was All-Ireland conference on Tuesday. It was good. President Macdonald instructed as well as the Assistants and there were a few snowballs thrown around. So all the missionaries in Northern Ireland come down to Dublin too. Wednesday all the missionaries in Cork had interviews with President.
Well not too much else happened this week.
So this week I've been studying about looking to Christ. In John 15:5 it says, I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. This time of year it can get very difficult to focus on the true meaning of Christmas but I know that as we do we'll receive the strength we need to face our daily challenges and the peace and the hope we need for the coming year.
I hope you guys have a great week!
Love you guys so much,
Elder Calley