May 21, 2018
Hey guys!
So this week was good. So a miracle kind of happened this week. There is this African man named Innocent that Elder Derry and I found back in like February or March and he will always stop and talk to us when we see him around town. We'll always ask him if he can meet with us and he'll say, "I am busy. I am busy." and he'll give us some time in a few hours that we can meet but will never show. HOWEVER, Elder Fisk and I were able to finally get him to take ten minutes to sit down with us and we explained to him some things about the Book of Mormon. Since then we've been able to sit down with him again and teach him the gospel of Jesus Christ. He doesn't have a baptismal date yet but ever since we got him to sit down with us he's starting to be a little more interested with meeting us and asks us some really good questions. We also met with Declan again last Monday. He's learning, slowly but he still asks a lot of good questions about us and what our beliefs are. He's willing to come to church but said he already had plans for coming to church yesterday. He also brought a friend named PJ with him last time and PJ loves to talk but we managed to teach him about the restoration and where the Book of Mormon comes from and why it's important.
The rest of the week was good. We only had 11 people at church yesterday which was pretty small. I know some members were out of town though. The weather was suprisingly sunny but I think we have a bit of rain for the next few days.
Last P-day we went to Glencar Waterfall and it's right next to this lake or lough since that's what they call lakes here in Ireland.